English to French website translation and proofreading

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English to French website translation and proofreading

August 14, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

While Tomedes specialises in providing top notch translation services, that’s far from all that we do. We offer a range of other language services to our clients, including the proofreading services of which our most recent client was in need. 

This article on the importance of proofreading in the workforce from Chron describes proofreading as being, “to business communication what buffing and polishing is to woodworking.” The idea is that a single blemish can detract from the entire piece. This why Tomedes takes such care over the proofreaders that we hire, as well as the translators. 

Accurate French translation

In the case of our recent client, the task at hand was French translation, as she had an English website already and needed to create an equivalent version in French. As such, we assigned our top French translator to the task, to ensure a fast and accurate translation, in line with the client’s deadline. 

Professional website translation services

The translator that we assigned was an expert in website translation, bringing extensive experience to the job at hand. Her expertise in translating web content was matched by technical prowess, meaning that she was ideally placed to take on the client’s website translation project. Her localization skills were also second to none, meaning that the resulting website would be perfectly crafted to meet the French audience’s expectations. 

Proofreading services for global businesses

In addition to the website translation element of the job, we also assigned a proofreader to work on a batch of the client’s blog posts. She had previously engaged a family friend to convert them into French but was not convinced of the accuracy of some of the language. As such, she used the Tomedes proofreading and editing service to carefully polish the posts and ensure that they were just as well-crafted in French as the originals were in English. 

Our website translator and French proofreader worked together to ensure that we met the client’s expectations in terms of both quality and deadline. The client was delighted with the result – a fast, accurate website translation that coincided with the finished blog posts being ready to upload to the site – perfect! 

Meeting your language needs

Whatever your language-related needs may be, we are confident that the Tomedes team can meet them. Why not use our website to obtain an instant quote? You are also welcome to discuss your requirements by phone, email or live chat with our friendly and helpful team. 

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