Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Environmental Translation by Tomedes' Specialists

April 07, 2014

Scientific and environmental translations are a specialist task, such as the English to German environmental translation that Tomedes completed.

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Technical Translation Services by our Network of Experts

April 03, 2014

Computer software manuals often need to be translated, such as the English to Arabic user manual translation undertaken by Tomedes recently.

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Albanian Translation Services

April 01, 2014

Certain clients require a Certificate of Translation as well as the translated text, such as the Albanian to English legal translation that Tomedes completed.

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Business Translation Services by our Skilled Spanish Translators

April 01, 2014

Tomedes was asked to translate a product catalog from English to Latin American Spanish recently, as a marketing tool for an international company.

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Healthcare Document Translation

March 31, 2014

Medical tourism can require extensive document translation, such as the Hebrew to English medical tourism translation undertaken by Tomedes recently.

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Legal Translation Services by Our Professional Translators

March 26, 2014

The translation of legal documents must be perfect, as per the urgent English to Turkish legal document translation that Tomedes undertook.

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Professional Greek Translation Services

March 26, 2014

International businesses require translation for many purposes, such as the Greek to English human resource translation recently completed by Tomedes.

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Professional Website Localization Services

March 24, 2014

Website content translation is a popular translation service, such as the English to Indonesian website translation that Tomedes completed this week.

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Professional Business Translation Services

March 24, 2014

Tomedes often translates personal and business letters for our clients, such as the English to Spanish business letter translation that we undertook last week.

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Transcription services

March 20, 2014

Audio translation, such as the Romanian to English audio translation files that was recently sent to Tomedes, takes time and concentration to complete flawlessly.

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