Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Polish to English medical translation

April 23, 2017

A Tomedes client asked for Polish to English medical translation so that she could understand the nature of a medical procedure she was facing.

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Portuguese to English blog translation

April 19, 2017

A client decided to translate her blog from Portuguese to English in order to treble her potential audience and revenue.

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English to Dutch gaming app translation

April 16, 2017

A client recently asked Tomedes to translate her gaming app from English to Dutch, so that she could launch it to a new market.

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English to Indonesian legal translation

April 12, 2017

A regular Tomedes client recently asked us to undertake a lengthy legal document translation from English to Indonesian.

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English to Guarani business translation

April 09, 2017

The Tomedes professional translation service covers a wide range of language pairings, including English to Guarani, for business and personal papers

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English to Canadian French manufacturing translation

April 05, 2017

A company contacted Tomedes seeking to expand the sale of its products into Canada, through English to Canadian French packaging translation.

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English to Bahasa medical translation

April 02, 2017

For this client's lengthy medical document, Tomedes turned to our leading Bahasa medical translator.

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Urgent manufacturing translation from English to Dutch

March 29, 2017

Recently, a manufacturing company asked for a batch of instructions to be translated urgently from English to Dutch.

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Finnish to English financial translation

March 26, 2017

A new client recently asked Tomedes to translate a series of complex financial documents from Finnish to English.

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English to Hindi business document translation

March 22, 2017

A regular client recently asked for his company documents to be translated from English to Hindi, using our urgent translation service.

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