Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Accurate Croatian translation by Tomedes

February 06, 2019

A recent client used our Croatian translation service in order to further his international business interests.

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Professional real estate translation by Tomedes

February 03, 2019

Tomedes recently worked with a client who needed help to understand a number of real estate papers, translating them from French to English.

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Professional educational translation from Tomedes

January 30, 2019

A recent Tomedes client needed an educational text translation from English to Spanish.

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Professional German translation by Tomedes

January 27, 2019

A recent client needed to understand a batch of legal documents. Tomedes helped by providing an English to German translation service.

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Expert French translation from Tomedes

January 23, 2019

A recent customer asked Tomedes to translate her YouTube video from Turkish to French, to help her grow her business.

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Professional Swedish translation from Tomedes

January 20, 2019

A recent client approached Tomedes as he needed a scientific report translated from Swedish to English.

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Accurate video translation by Tomedes

January 16, 2019

Recently, one of Tomedes' leading Javanese translators helped a client with her video translation and subtitling project.

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Accurate Thai translation by Tomedes

January 13, 2019

A recent Tomedes client asked for the translation of a batch of religious texts from English to Thai.

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Professional Bengali translation by Tomedes

January 09, 2019

A recent Tomedes client needed Bengali to English video translation services for more than 20 different video files.

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