Last translation projects

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1 Year Guarantee
95,000 Business Customers
Chinese HR Translation Services

April 23, 2010

Chinese translation for human resources departments is a high demand, especially for large corporations with branches in U.S./Canada and China but how do you tell when to use simplified or traditional Chinese?

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Email Translation Services

April 19, 2010

Translation of email auto responders and email marketing campaigns

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Chinese Translation Services by our Professionals

April 19, 2010

Translations of Chinese certificates and diplomas by certified translators

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Video Transcription and Translation Services

April 19, 2010

Voice over and subtitle translations of English videos into Japanese

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Professional Translation by our Network of 5,000 Expert Translators

April 18, 2010

We can help you to broaden your networking and acquire business contacts, potential customers and contracts, all by translating your business and marketing documents

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Professional Spanish Translation Services

April 17, 2010

Translation of professional real estate documents from English to Spanish to American companies

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Portuguese Translation Services by our Skilled Translators

April 16, 2010

Our Portuguese translators have provided comprehensive translation of ezine and web content

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Business Translation Services by our Network of Expert Translators

April 16, 2010

We have provided English to Russian translation to a couple of companies in the tourism business sector

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German Translation Services by our Certified Translators

April 16, 2010

Translation of technical documents from English into German

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Marketing Translation Service by our Network of Experts

April 16, 2010

Translation for languages of countries separated from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

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