PR translation services

It is imperative to use professional translation services for PR or advertising campaign in a foreign language market. Dont risk your company or brand reputation in important foreign language markets. Start with a free quote, no info required


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95,000 clients have entrusted Tomedes with their business. These include private individuals, small to medium businesses, and the largest corporations, leading brands, national and local governments. But most importantly: we're here for you. Right now.


PR Translation Services

Whether you own a company that is beginning to stretch out to foreign language markets, or have a video game or smartphone app to translate and localize, or even a non-profit organization that needs PR document translation for support and fund-raising - professional PR translation and localization is one of the most important steps in the entire PR campaign.  No matter how good your original content is, if it is not communicated the way it is intended - or worse yet - if it comes across as ridiculous, incoherent or even offensive - than your whole PR campaign is down the toilet.  Don't skip the professional translation service on your way to a great PR campaign, ad document, slogan or marketing tour.PR translation

The many clients we have and still do provide PR translation and marketing localization services for have realized the importance of professional localization and translation services when it comes to PR, advertising and marketing.  This is because often the creative content and cultural references contained in marketing and PR content strongly demands professional translators who know how to deliver the message in the target language, while retaining the creative twist.  This is true for PR and marketing that uses humor and witty phrasing, or may use celebrities or any other content that reflects a specific cultural significance.

 Creative Translation
for Marketing and PR

PR translation, in certain circumstances, may also be referred to as transcreation.  This is a translation technique that refers to the creative aspects of language.  Transcreation services are the translation and localization of creative content, cultural references, humor, and other changeable linguistic elements, when they cannot be directly translated, but must be altered in order to deliver the same meaning from one language and culture to another.

To illustrate what may be involved in creative translations for marketing and PR, consider these common public items, sayings and vernacular terms:

  • "That's the pot calling the kettle black" - obviously a direct translation of this would be pretty confusing in a word for word English to Russian translation (or any other number of languages).
  • "She has junk in the trunk" - this cultural reference to a large posterior would not translate well literally, even from US English to British English.
  • Brand mascots  - in several parts of the world where illiteracy is high, the contents of food products are pictured on their containers - can you imagine the reaction if they saw cans of pet food with picturesprofessional Chinese translation of cats and dogs on them?
  • Handicapped bathrooms - apparently for an English to Chinese translation that did not use professional marketing translation services, the closest meaning to "Handicapped bathroom" is "Deformed man toilet."

This short little list is simply for illustrative purposes.  But think about the majority of the t.v. commercials and even website and online ads you come across - most of them definitely demand professional localization and translation services in order to communicate to any foreign language audience.  When professional translation services for marketing or PR language translation are ignored - well, somewhere in Africa there could be a village of people who think we eat canned cat.

Fully Accredited PR Translation Services


ATA Corporate Member Number 272444


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  • Working around the clock to provide the best, fastest service

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  • Fortune 500 companies trust Tomedes translation agency
  • Official and selected Google and Android partner

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